Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Amy Winehouse - Love is a Losing Game

Amy Winehouse @ the Mercury Awards.


Ticia said...

Hey...its Diesel 15---

This woman is a mess

S.K. said...

I know but I still love her voice.

Mimic or not.

Joi said...

I'm glad she made it through the song. Now that's a real award show, sing before you get your award.

Anonymous said...

a talented person torn up over fear of self is a sad sight, especially when they are the TRUTH. she could potentially change the game a bit here n I think she knows it, so work it out Amy..
And SK get on ya post game chick you are funnty! man...I be look'n for my dose! you'se a trip chile..

Anonymous said...

Meth is a Helluva drug!!!Or is it Coke? I know she likes to get foggy but why she would need anything beyond that is well...beyond me. Love Amy's talent hate her drug addiction and choice in men. Damn how do you start off with NIPPY problem, you're supposed to get rich, get a bad boyfriend (oh yeah she already has that) THEN find your drug of choice.....those Brits always doing stuff backwards!!!

Anonymous said...

The video where she steals magazine is hilarious!! She gave the "Did they see me" Side-eye. HILARIOUS!!

I love you!! (I'd like my dime now)

LibraGurl said...

This is another good song...I'm going to listen to her cd NOW, as a matter of fact. I hope she gets herself together, though.

Shanna Miles-Author said...

I love her voice too. I played that cd from beginning to end when I finally took my husband's advice and listened.

It's really sad to see her in such a state. Her live shows are always a hot mess, but isn't that the sign of genius, to be torn up by the sheer weight of it.