Saturday, September 02, 2006

Sistahs Need 2 Stick Together

Before I say anything - I really do like Rhianna and Tyra. They're both pretty in the same way. So it hurts me that Tyra isn't a better big Sistah. Tyra was the 1st to make the "Big Ol' Forehead" look cute. But I'm bothered that Tyra isn't sharing the secret. . . .What secret you ask? The secret of making that big ass forehead look smaller.

You can't tell me that there's not at least an inch difference in these pics. If you gonna rock a lace front, you might as well make the most of it. So back to my original question - Why isn't Tyra sharing the secret?

Imagine the possibilities . . .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

posing and positioning