Thursday, March 08, 2007

Questions: Work


1.) Do I put the time I got here? or the time I was supposed to get here?
2.) What do I need (to take home) from the supply room?
3.) How the hell do they expect me to hold my breath and say hello?
4.) I know they don't think I'm doing all this work? WTF I look like?
5.) Does co-worker know he could soooo get it? I wonder if he could keep his mouth shut?
6.) Does co-worker know he will never get it?
7.) Why isn't it Friday? or a Payweek?
8.) Why is the Bytch talking to me?
9.) What time is it?
10.) Is putting rat poison in co-workers coffee passive aggressive?

What questions go through your head at work?


LibraGurl said...

7, 8, 9 & 10.

7. I woke up today thinking it was Friday.

8. I wonder this often. Most times, I don't even hear what the person is saying to me for this question repeating in my head.

9. Time must stand still here.

10. I used to want to poison someone here. Lucky for her, she was fired a few months ago. Bitch.

Coco LaRue said...

Damn... I thought I was the only one. Some of my coworkers are funky, too.

LibraGurl said...

My ass called in today. I've awaken every morning this week with the desire to call in. I did today because 1.) my deadline day is weds and I'm ahead of schedule and I don't feel like doing shit today, anyway and 2.) my feet & ankles are swollen as hell for whatever reason.

Anonymous said...

Lol Lol Lol Hilarious. I read a few of your other posts and tehy had me rolling over from humor and realness