Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Quote: Iranian President.

There was a lot of contoversy about the Leader Of Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, speaking at Columbia University in NYC on 9.24.07.

Many people feel that he is a brutal tyrant and should not be given an American forum to voice in beliefs. Well I feel like this, always let the next person speak their mind. Because that way you know where they're coming from and the best way to protect yourself. Secondly, like the old expression goes - It's better to be thought a fool then open your mouth and remove all doubt.
When asked about his in justice treatment of homosexuals in Iran, Ahmadinejad answered,
"We don't have homosexuals like in your country. We don't have that in our country. We don't have this phenomenon I don't know who's told you we have it."
This would be hilarious if he weren't a leader of a well armed nation. source


The Bear Maiden said...

It's funny... his face is all over the paper today and so I was thinking about this on the way in to work. I was thinking how ironic it is that in a country that values "free speech", people were all up in arms about what he had to say, and picketed his speech. And wouldn't let him visit Ground Zero. The thing is... here is a man who comes from a culture and a way of thinking COMPLETELEY different than our own. Perhaps his being here and experiencing other people will make him think differently. I can't say I've been reading up on him and know everything he's done... but I give credit where credit is due... and I think it took balls for him to speak at Columbia. Either that, or he just doesn't have a clue, as evidenced by his comment on homosexuals. Which is hilarious, even if he DOES run a well-armed country.

Joi said...

I think they should allow the man to speak, but as for him laying a reef on Ground Zero...GTFOOH!

Ambz said...

unfortunately I still find it hilarious.

while i'm in the comfort of my living room in America.

if that wasn't the most ignant shyt to say...

Anonymous said...

Yeah hedont got gays in his country cause, um killing them much? Public hangings and stonigs and what have you not?

Shanna Miles-Author said...

We joke but until recently a LOT of black folk thought homosexuality was a white folks problem.

Isn't it nice to know that ignorance is universal?